Saturday, October 13, 2012

Be A Giant Dork

Have you ever noticed the people who are the most awesome are absolutely dorky? It's because they've become comfortable enough with themselves to just be themselves. They don't feel the need to pretend to be "cool" or "suave." The percentage of people who are actually like that must be pretty small. People are more likely to be awkward, confused, or silly than suave. Dorks have accepted they cannot be suave all the time and are comfortable with this, so they gave up the farce.

Dorks are also happier. Why? Because they're not trying to pretend. They have accepted themselves, love it, and have moved on to other things. I will be the first to admit I am a supreme dork. I dance at stores. I sing every other sentence. I make silly faces at people and don't apologize for the things I like. That's me. If I couldn't do all those silly things, I wouldn't be myself and I would be a lot more miserable.

I don't know about you, but I enjoy being around people who are genuine and generally happy. Those are the kinds of people who are fun and make my life more enjoyable. Part of being impressively awesome is being genuine and generally happy. So, embrace your inner dork. Be silly and awkward so you can be genuine and happy.

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